Day 1 - Local-ish

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Local-ish.  I'm just not prepared yet and have had to substitute some meals.  Starting Saturday when I can get to the market, I'm going to make a REAL effort to eat local.  I'm going for the Bienville Challenge, but I already know there might be a couple *acceptable cheats* on my list including garlic, flour, olive oil and maybe lemons.  

For those of you not in New Orleans or unfamiliar with the Locavore Challenge - check it out -  Seth and I will be eating meals made from all local ingredients (200 mile radius) with some exceptions including spices.  We can also have some locally produced items that are not made of100% local ingredients, i.e. Abita Beer has hops from outside the region.  But it will go in my belly.

Good Eating, Y'all!

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This page contains a single entry by Bess published on June 1, 2011 9:48 PM.

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