Local Mississippi

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Last weekend I drove up to little, quaint Starkville, MS to visit the Campeau family.  It was a nice drive up, by myself, jamming out to my old college CDs.  It was a relaxing family weekend.  I always love getting so see those cute little boys growing up. The following picture was taken at the tumbling gym - super fun!  I swang on the rope and jumped in the foam pit. 

IMG 1750

Saturday afternoon we visited the local BBQ joint because Becky was raving about the fried green tomatoes.  She was right!  Best fried green tomatoes I've ever had!  We also had fried okra and pulled pork, but we decided friend green tomatoes alone would have made an excellent lunch.  

IMG 1064

Remarkably, I think it gets hotter in MS than it does in New Orleans.  It was in the high 90s while I was visiting and since has been over 100 degrees.  Not good for active boys that need to run around…. well, not good for their parents.  Thanks for the visit, Campeaus!

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This page contains a single entry by Seth published on June 29, 2012 7:01 PM.

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