Shrimp & Grits

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Thursdays I usually don't go into work until mid-afternoon so I have time to cook lunch for Seth and me.  This made a lovely lunch.  I found this creamy grits recipe on the localvore blog, and it was delish.  I rarely roast tomatoes because they take a long time, but it was totally worth the wait.  I'll be doing this one again.

Creamy Grits with Corn, Goat Cheese, & Roasted Tomatoes
serves 2 to 4

3-4 tomatoes, sliced
1 cup stone-ground grits, rinsed
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups water
1/4 cup goat cheese, plus more for garnish

Preheat oven to 400 °. Toss tomatoes with olive oil and salt and arrange on a sheet pan. Cook for approximately one hour until they are soft, shriveling, and turning golden brown.

Meanwhile, for the grits, bring milk and water to a gentle boil in a heavy sauce pan. Add grits and reduce heat to medium low. Whisk occasionally at first, then whisk more frequently as the grits begin to thicken, watching carefully to make sure the bottom of the pot does not scald. Cook until the grits are thick and creamy, about 30-45 minutes. Add more liquid if you feel they are too thick, and continue cooking until desired consistency is reached. Season generously with salt and a dallop of butter, adjusting to personal taste. (Grits can usually handle way more salt than you might think they can.)

Stir the goat cheese into the grits. Adjust seasoning, to taste. Top the grits with roasted tomatoes. Serve with boiled and spiced shrimp. 


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