Wheat berry salad

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This is a favorite of ours.  The recipe is from Super Natural Cooking by Heidi Swanson.  At our house we just refer to Heidi by first name, like she's one of the family.  We make her recipes often.  She has some other variations on her blog that you also might want to check out.  



2 cups wheat berries

1/2 cup feta

bunch of kale

1/2 cup blueberries

1 cup chopped pecans (Bergeron are local, from Rouses)

1/4 cup olive oil

juice of 1 lemon 

2 chopped green onions

salt, pepper

Cook the wheat berries for about an hour in a large pot of generously salted water.  Chop the kale small and boil for about 10+ minutes until it is tender enough for you.  Meanwhile, make the dressing by combining the olive oil, lemon, green onion,  and a pinch of salt and pepper.  Combine the cooked wheat berries, cooked kale, feta, chopped pecans, and a couple handfuls of blueberries and stir together with the dressing.  It's great warm or cold. 

IMG 1744

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