Ball Jar Lovin'

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I LOVE Ball Jars!  They are perfect for picnics, lunches, canning, freezing, storing, etc...

Here are some examples of use:

1. You can store them in the freezer and they won't crack. (Just don't fill too full) Freeze the pint sized ones and you can pull it out frozen, and it'll thaw enough by lunch to put in the microwave.

2. Store dry goods in the pantry with an air tight seal.

3.  You can even put liquid in the ball jar, in your purse, with no spillage!

4. Pint sized ball jars are the perfect serving size - leftovers for lunch!

Check out this cool blog about ball jar lovin' and some ball jar meal ideas:


My meal today:

Fruit Salad - HG

Milk (for my coffee) from Smith's Creamery

Vegetable Soup


(I can't get my photos to align correctly.  Need to seek blogging tech support.)


Locavore Vegetable Soup


Broth: Carcass of a Roasted Chicken (CCFM, Coq au Coin)

Onion, Leeks, anything aromatic (CCFM)

Few peppercorns or herbs

Cover with about a half pot of water, in a big pot

Simmer for approx 3 hours

Store in the fridge until use




Green Pepper






(any veggies you got will work)



Saute the aromatics in butter (leek, green pepper, and and a few red pepper flakes) for about 5 minutes.

Throw in your broth

Chop up any veggies you like and throw them in

Simmer for 20-60 minutes (longer is better for flavor)

I cook the rice separately and put it in at the end, but you can also cook the rice in the soup, but you'll need more broth because it will soak up some liquid.

Here is the secret, crush a couple cloves of garlic and chop a big handful of basil and put them in at the END, just before serving, this really punches up the flavor.


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This page contains a single entry by Bess published on June 9, 2011 8:36 AM.

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