Market Mash

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I came up with a delish meal with some leftover veggies sitting in the fridge.

5 sm Red Potatoes - HG
Onion - CCFM
Eggplant - HG
Shiitake Mushrooms - HG
Swiss Chard - HG
Butter - Rouses, Smith's Creamery
Feta - HG
Salt - Avery Island
Garlic Powder
Black Pepper
Red Pepper Flakes

Put 2 tblsp butter in a large skillet and add onions to saute at medhigh for 2 minutes.  Add red potatoes approx 3-4 minutes.  Add eggplant, mushrooms, and spices.  Saute another 5 minutes.  Add large bunch of swiss chard and saute approx 5 min more.  Finish off with about 1/2 cup of feta or other crumbly cheese.  Taste for seasoning. Serve. 



Below is my DAILY breakfast.  I bought some granola at the market last weekend.  The week prior I was only eating fruit, but thankfully I've stepped it up.  I'm not sure if the oats, nuts, etc are local, but market bought is good enough for me. 

Granola, Milk, Blueberries, and a Nectarine.   Of course, in a Ball jar.  I always eat my breakfast at work, and need it portable.


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This page contains a single entry by Bess published on June 15, 2011 8:19 PM.

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