Stuffed Peppers

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I made up this recipe tonight, and it was pretty good, if I do say so myself!  All local, except for the spices!  I didn't put exact quantities because this recipe is very forgiving and you can mix and match to make it your own. 

Ground Beef - HG
Onion - HG
Green Peppers - HG
Jalapeno - HG
Eggplant - HG
Tomatoes - HG
Cheddar Cheese - CCFM
Rice - HG
Cayenne Pepper


Look at those gorgeous veggies!

Cook rice and put aside.  Cut the tops off 4-5 green peppers and hollow out the inside.  Boil a pot of water and parboil peppers for 3 minutes.  Set aside.  Pre-heat the oven the 350. 

Brown ground beef in a med-high skillet.  Add 1 diced medium onion and green pepper, and saute for 3 minutes.  Add eggplant, tomatoes and jalapeno, salt, pepper, thyme and tomatoes and saute for 5-10 minutes longer.  Stir in about 3 ounces shredded cheddar cheese and 1 cup of cooked rice.  Fill peppers and bake for about 25-30 minutes.  Sprinkle the tops with cheese or green onions. Serve.

scramble.JPG stuffedpeppers.JPG

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