Hearty Southern Breakfast

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You might think I was hung-over with a breakfast like this, but it just sounded delicious.  
It was really more of a brunch and kept me full until dinner time. 

Swiss Chard, Boudin Patty, Over-Easy Egg and Toast

Onion - HG
Swiss Chard - HG
Eggs - HG
Boudin - Chop's, Lafayette, La
Bread - HG
Butter - HG
Cayenne Pepper

Chop onion and garlic and saute for a couple minutes.  Add 3 large handfuls of swiss chard, salt, pepper, cayenne and a about 1/2 cup of water to a pot and cover for about 7 minutes.  Remove boudin from a casing and form into 2 patties.  Pan fry boudin patties in butter on med-high about 4 minutes per side.  Remove and fry egg. 



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This page contains a single entry by Bess published on June 20, 2011 8:24 PM.

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