God Bless Louisiana

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Louisiana the THE place to have a local diet.  We were invited up to the north shore for a day party in Fountainbleau State Park.  It was my friend's birthday and her family always rents some cottages on Lake Ponchartrain for a big family reunion.  I was so impressed.  The park is big and beautiful and the cottages are perfect!  There are 12 cottages on the north shore of lake ponchartrain for rental by the public. They are really affordable, and new (built after Katrina)....  You know where I'll be next year.

Saturday morning the family went crabbing at a spot in MS and brought back hard and soft shell crabs for dinner.  These are some real Louisiana types.  Hunting channel on the TV inside, and lots of talk of crabbing, dreams of alligator hunting, and home-made boat racing.  I may have to steal this boat race idea for an upcoming lake vacation. Each team creates a homemade boat out of whatever is laying around the house and race them to shore.  (These are toy boats, not boats ppl sit in, to clarify.)

Crabs and Abita Beer on a deck over-looking the lake and the sunset - what more could a girl ask for??


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This page contains a single entry by Bess published on June 19, 2011 10:13 AM.

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