Saturday 6/18 - Hollygrove Market and Farm

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We are creeping towards the best day of the y'all - the summer solstice.  This is my favorite day of the year, longest day of the year, and the official beginning of summer.  Seth always likes to joke with me, and point out the flaw of the solstice, and says it's the shortest night of the year.

Saturday morning I got up at the ungodly hour of 4:45am.  I have been working with Dress for Success on a fundraising walk.  We got up early to set up the event in City Park.  It went really well!  It looked really professional, there was a lot of media attention, and we raised over $8,000.  It was the first time New Orleans has had a walk for DFS, so $8,000 isn't bad and hopefully it'll be more next year. 

After the walk I went to Hollygrove to stock up.  This is the first Saturday I didn't buy a delicious chocolate milk for breakfast.  Instead, they had warm baked bread and lemon dill chevre.  I decided I was going to take this home and make some toast with chevre and heirloom tomato, which was divine.  I have bought bread twice now from Hollygrove.  I know it's a bit of a cheat for the Localvore diet, but it's such a staple and so delicious. 

I have to give my props to Hollygrove.  It's really looking beautiful, is growing, and getting more and more well run. I took a couple photos while I was there because the store and produce just looked so fab yesterday.  3 of these are eggplants, but I'm not sure what the orange produce is.  There was no sign.  If you know, let me know!  

If you are or aren't from Nola and don't know what Hollygrove is - check it out.

eggplant2.JPG  eggplant.JPG

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This page contains a single entry by Bess published on June 19, 2011 10:00 AM.

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